Passion. Experience. Dedication.
Price Kellar’s first job in Springfield, Missouri let him meet five potential clients a week. During those meetings, a theme emerged, “We need counsel to care about us as people, be decent, and good at communicating. Our lives have been changed.” Practicing law as a caring professional became his destiny over the course of that first position in his legal career.
Interaction with clients as a caring professional became his calling long before he knew it.
Words from Price Kellar;
At age 18, injuries suffered from an automobile crash made me a spinal cord injured quadriplegic. Before a year passed, my family pushed toward college as an alternative to wasting my life as a disabled person. Good grades and honors at Ohio State’s College of Agriculture helped me gain admission to the Ohio State University College of Law. I moved to Springfield Missouri, to practice law in the personal injury market. That's when my clients taught me to care about them. I noticed my clients returned to me or referred their family members to me. “My father sent me to you, he said you're good and don't seem to care as much about the money as you did about him.” I understand what people go through after suffering through life changing events.
For more than 30 years, the people I’ve met in the Ozarks have treated me well. I’ve done my best to return the favors. This has been a great place to grow and build a thriving practice. My cases have earned lifelong friendships with people along the way. If you find yourself meeting trouble because somebody caused you injury, you don't need a referral to be heard, I like people and will listen to your concerns.
My clients typically find my little office building by word of mouth. This website allows those who depend on digital communication to reach me. I'm just one guy with a great assistant. We get things done and appreciate our clients. You’re our best resource for future business. When you call, I will answer the phone and we will talk.

Price and Domino, 2024